Monday, April 11, 2011

Japanese Aftershock Kills 4 People

TOKYO - Four people were killed and three others suffered serious injuries after an aftershock shook northeastern Japan, Monday, April 11, exactly one month after the earthquake and tsunami-devastated Japan.
Police said the four victims trapped inside the house in the town of Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture. The four victims were buried by landslides due to soil 7.0 magnitude earthquake on the Richter scale (SR), which occurred at 17:16 local time.
As reported by NHK, Tuesday (12/04/2011), police and firefighters have evacuated all the victims of the mud pile. However
, high-school students aged16 years are confirmed dead and three other victims suffered serious injuries.

Not far from the first location, the rescue workers later found two other victims from a house that was also buried by landslides.
Police said the two dead bodies found in a 63-year-old man and 84-year-old mother. They live in a house the same.
In Ibaraki Prefecture, a 46-year-old man was taken to hospital after found unconscious in the parking lot near his home in the city of Ryugasaki. Looks like she fell during the earthquake and hit his head. He then dies.


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