Thursday, April 7, 2011

Men Gunman Students That Will Leave Letter

RIO DE JANEIRO - The man insane who could bombard students in primary schools (SD) in Rio De Janeiro gunmen have been identified. The man suspected of stress and HIV / Aids.

He is a 23-year-old Wellington Oliveira. However, until now sadism motive was not immediately known. Local authorities uncover the language of the shooter left the rambling letters. Most of the contents of the letter were confusing at the site indicated that he wanted to commit suicide.

The letter also explains in detail how Oliveira want killed his body to be treated - be bathed and wrapped in cloth in a bag. Similarly, as quoted by AP, on Friday (04/08/2011).
The letter also stated that the gunman must not be touched by anyone unless they wear gloves.

"If possible I want to be buried beside my mother. A follower of God, someone has to visit my grave at least once. He had to pray before I was buried. Pleading to God to forgive me for what I have done, “he quoted the letter.


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